
El mapa medieval almacenado en Bolonia de los monasterios y santuarios armenios de 1691
The Medieval map of Armenian monasteries and sanctuaries created in 1691 is stored in Bologna, Italy. The map is unique in being one of the first han...
Artsaj bajo bloqueo
This is 14-year-old Davit from Stepanakert. He has been delivering bread to shops on foot for four days as a volunteer with his friends. Due to t...
Crónicas de la perseverancia
Hnarti Cultural Platform is thrilled to be organizing “Chronicles of Perseverance”, a film screening event in collaboration with Haigazian Un...
La conferencia de innovación femenina más grande en Armenia y en la región
The FemInno Conference 2023, the largest female innovation conference in the region, is set to take place on July 29-30. It's one-of-a-kind festivity...
Una Armenia precaria: la tercera república, el conflicto de Karabaj y la política del genocidio
BOOK LAUNCH WHAT: Book Launch, Zoom Event, with Dr. Gerard LibaridianWHEN: Sunday, 2 July 2023TIME: Yerevan 10.00 pm ; Paris 8.00 pm; London 7...
El estado actual de las bibliotecas en Armenia
Bilingual Online Lecture Evening Organised by the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Australia and New ZealandTOPIC:“The Current Status of Li...
Missak MANOUCHIAN en el Panteón
A statement signed by Adrien Vahakn SAGE, President of Laïcité et République Sociale and member of UNITE LAIQUE celebrates Missak Manouchian's...
Yeghegnut: Un pasado lleno de historia y retos actuales en la historia de Artsaj
Yeghegnut (Yegheknut in the local dialect) is one of the ancient settlements of the Tsar province of Artsakh, Greater Armenia.Yeghegnut church, accor...
El Programa Escolar Tavitian llama a solicitudes para el programa 2023 en la Escuela Fletcher
Since 1999, the collaboration between the Tavitian Foundation and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University has granted nearly 300...