Se anuncian los nombres de los 10 mejores atletas de 2021
The Ministry of Education Science, Culture, and Sports published the names of the ten best athletes of 2021.
The ten names were picked through...
Los atletas armenios ganaron 199 medallas en 2021
The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Karen Giloyan, announced that athletes representing Armenia won 199 medals in 202...
El Gobierno destinará 128,5 millones de AMD a la conservación de monumentos y objetos históricos
The Armenian Government will provide funds to the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports for the fortification, repair, restoration o...
Armenia celebrará el Torneo Internacional de Boxeo por Equipos el 16 de diciembre
The Armenian Boxing Federation announced that the International Team Boxing Tournament will take place in Yerevan’s Dinamo Sports Complex on De...
La UE en asociación con la ONUDI invertirá 4 millones de euros en un nuevo proyecto de asistencia técnica en Armenia
On December 9, the European Union and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) signed a contribution agreement, according t...
¿Qué debe unirnos a los armenios?
Tհroughout history there have been many factors to unite the people: religion, language, literature, our past and historical events. Our heroes, the...
Semana de repatriación: Elegiendo Armenia
Are you considering moving to Armenia? Is working remotely from Armenia an attractive idea to you? Are you concerned about job prospects? You can fin...
La investigación de Garegin Papoian para modelar una clase de proteínas difícil de encontrar
How do molecules come together and start to behave like a living system? This is the type of question that drives Garegin Papoian’s research. At th...
Salvando Syunik: La creación y ejecución de KorniTun
All for Armenia, an organization committed to the wellbeing, stability and future of the homeland, was created at the beginning of the 2020 war, akin...