Economic Freedom of the World: Informe Anual 2021

The index published in Economic Freedom of the World measures the degree to which the policies and institutions of countries are supportive of economic freedom. The cornerstones of economic freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to enter markets and compete, and security of the person and privately owned property. Forty-two data points are used […]
Apertura de una nueva fábrica de productos lácteos en Artsaj

The State Minister of the Artsakh Republic Artak Beglaryan together with the Minister of Education and Science Lusine Gharakhanyan attended the opening ceremony of “Narine +” dairy factory in the Artsakh Scientific Center on January 29. The State Minister got acquainted with the organization of small-scale production, which is carried out according to the results […]
Las exportaciones de Armenia superaron los 3.000 millones de dólares en 2021

Export from Armenia exceeded $3 billion in 2021 growing by 19.1% year-on-year, the National Statistical Committee reports. In the reporting period, the volume of foreign trade turnover in the country amounted to $8.38 billion, up by 17.7% against 2020. Imports for the reporting period totaled $5.35 billion, registering a y/y increase of 16.9%. In December […]
Se abrirá un hospital de veteranos en Armenia

The Zinvori Tun (Soldier’s Home) Rehabilitation Center is planning to open a Veterans Hospital soon, the Director of the Soldier’s Home Rehabilitation Center Haykuhi Minasyan informed at a press conference. The new hospital will be a multi-profile medical facility offering combined services to members of the armed forces who require treatment. “The hospital will be […]
Matena - un nuevo centro educativo en Armenia

On February 1 the Matena International School of Leadership and Professional Development launched its first executive education programs, in collaboration with the renowned Skolkovo Moscow School of Management. The school has announced the launch of two international programs:“Leading change: executive program for business managers”“Effectively managing communities in Armenia: program for municipal authorities” Matena has developed a […]
"Dragon Reaper" - Un joven ingeniero, ganador de 100 Ideas para Armenia, trabaja en un sistema de defensa aérea para matar drones

A young ex-servicemember and IT engineer created a modern air defense system designed for new generation warfare. Albert Hovakimyan, the winner of the 100 Ideas for Armenia project, is calling his innovation the Dragon Reaper (Vishapakagh). It is an automated optical detection active anti-air defense system, he explains. Hovakimyan says his system can potentially replace […]
La colección de la prensa de la Biblioteca Mekhitarista ya está en línea

The Mekhitarist Congregation’s journal collection and its portal website are now live, featuring digitized Armenian press published between 1794 and 1920, in a free and accessible format. To date, the online library of the Mekhitarist press and its corresponding databases have been endowed with more than 400,000 pages of digitized Armenian newspapers and periodicals from […]
Diáspora armenio-americana: Una historia de 400 años

The first known Armenian to live in the United States was a man named Martin the Armenian, who arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1618.During the Armenian Massacres (1876-1923), many Armenians from Western Armenia and the Middle East settled in the United States. Currently, about 2,000,000 Armenians live in the United States, about half of which […]
El Museo de la Biblia celebrará la cultura armenia

The Museum of the Bible in Washington will celebrate Armenia on January 29.The Museum intends to explore the Christian tradition, culture, and history of the Armenian people. The web page of the museum states: “Armenians have one of the richest biblical histories and cultures in the world. The Armenian highlands include the traditional resting place […]