La investigación de Garegin Papoian para modelar una clase de proteínas difícil de encontrar

How do molecules come together and start to behave like a living system? This is the type of question that drives Garegin Papoian’s research. At the University of Maryland, where he is the Monroe Martin Professor, he has been focusing on computational modeling of biological molecules like proteins and DNA. With the support of an […]
Salvando Syunik: La creación y ejecución de KorniTun

All for Armenia, an organization committed to the wellbeing, stability and future of the homeland, was created at the beginning of the 2020 war, akin to Miaseen, out of urgent need. The organization is helmed by Matthieu and Araz Sahakian, both diasporans who repatriated to Armenia. During and following the war, over fifty volunteers from […]
El programa de TUMO se expande a Lyon

TUMO’s program is expanding to Lyon. The official opening is slated for January 26. It will be the first international center to have boxes connected to it and will welcome up to 1,500 local teens and offer 8 learning areas. During the presentation of the center, the President of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region Laurent Wauquiez said: “I am […]
Nerses Shnorhali y el Comité Estatal Armenio de Cine se incorporan al calendario 2022-2023 de la UNESCO para conmemorar figuras y acontecimientos

The 850th death anniversary of Armenian intellectual, theologian, composer St. Nerses Shnorhali, elected as Catholicos in 1166 and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Armenian State Committee of Cinema (Armenfilm) were incorporated in UNESCO General Conference’s calendar of prominent historical figures and events for the year 2022-2023 during organization’s 41st session. The applications […]
El álbum del Coro de Estonia basado en el Libro de Lamentaciones de Krikor Narekatsi nominado al Grammy

“Schnittke: Choir Concerto; Three Sacred Hymns; Pärt: Seven Magnificat-Antiphons” by the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Latvian conductor Kaspars Putniņš has received a nomination for the 64th Grammy Awards in the Best Choral Performance category. “Alfred Schnittke’s ‘Choir Concerto’ (1984/85) is one of the most powerful a cappella choral masterpieces. It is based on prayer […]
PBS transmitirá el premiado documental de Ani Hovhannisian "The Hidden Map" el 9 de diciembre

American PBS announced that Ani Hovhannisian’s award-winning documentary, “The Hidden Map,” will be broadcast on December 9, which coincides with the World Day of Genocide Commemoration and Prevention. The documentary presents thoroughly how the Armenian past is hidden under the surface of modern Turkey and requires discovery. “The Hidden Map” tells the story of an […]
El 9º Festival Internacional Khatchaturian se celebrará en Ereván

The Armenian State Symphony Orchestra will hold the 9th Khachaturian International Festival in Armenia’s capital, Yerevan from December 14 to 20. This year it will be titled “Three Friends: Khachaturian, Prokofiev, and Shostakovich.” During the four festival concerts, the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra will perform works by the aforementioned three renowned composers of the 20th […]
Suiza asigna 7,7 millones de dólares a un programa educativo en agricultura en Armenia

On December 3, Switzerland launched a long-term development project in Armenia which aims to offer Vocational Educational programs in agriculture. The Swiss Development Cooperation has approved an initial budget of USD 7.7 million for this project. To increase the project’s impact and effectiveness, Switzerland cooperates with a wide range of partners: the Government of Armenia, […]
Bazar internacional de caridad navideña en Ereván

The International Women’s Association of Yerevan (IWAY) will host the annual International Christmas Charity Bazaar on Sunday, 5 December 2021, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Best Western Congress Hotel Yerevan, 1 Italy St., Yerevan, Armenia. Every year IWAY brings together local and international communities around the Christmas Charity Bazaar to raise funds for funding projects focused on […]