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The Red Cross delivered 10 tons of food supply and medicine to Artsakh
On December 25, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delivered 10 tons of food supply and medicine to Artsakh, reported Zara Amatu...
Astghavard: A Therapy Center for Children with Disabilities
"Astghavard" NGO was established in 2003 and operates in 35 communities of the city of Vardenis. The mission of the NGO is to help solve the problems...
Armenia & Iran Consider Establishing Joint Production Of Medical Equipment
Iran-Armenia joint industry, mining, and trade working group held a meeting on Monday in which the two sides discussed issues such as Iran’s export...
Armenia Lifts Vaccine or PCR Test Mandate at Workplaces and Airports
Armenia has lifted the mandate on presenting vaccination or PCR test certificated upon the entry to the country, Minister of Health Anahit Avanes...
YSMU starts 100 days – 100 surgeries program
Yerevan State Medical University, which has a century-old history of medicine, is launching a new program, “100 Years Behind the People”, whi...
QaylTech: Armenian company to help people with disabilities walk again using VR
The first ever Armenian company specializing in building and producing innovative rehabilitation devices – QaylTech - is developing a new VR equipm...
AIM Gives the Gift of Hearing to Children and Adults
In October 2021, the Armenian International Medical (AIM) Fund completed its 22nd medical mission to Armenia. The participant medical experts succeed...
Transforming Armenia’s Healthcare System: From Quantitative Misconceptions To Qualitative Sustainability
Thirty years after independence, Armenia's healthcare system has achieved some successes and reached various milestones, but overall remains ineffici...