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Armenia to host inaugural Extraordinary Travel Festival

The Extraordinary Travel Festival will take place, in Yerevan, from October 14-16, 2022. Award-winning travel photographer, blogger, and filmmaker Ric Gazarian and public speaker Stefan Krasowski made the announcement together stressing that Armenia was just named “World’s Leading Heritage Destination 2021”.

The festival will host more than 300 of the world’s most daring and ambitious explorers. According to Krasowski, “We endeavor to discover, explore and simply be surprised with some experience we were not anticipating.”

More than 40 speakers will take the stage or lead breakout sessions talking about their out-of-the-ordinary travel experiences. Among the explorers, there will be travelers who dream of going to challenging destinations, such as Libya and Iraq and other extreme destinations, such as Antarctica. Others will tell how they accomplished the impossible, for example, walking from London to Capetown or living on a remote island in Micronesia.

Check the full article on armradio.am.



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