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Armenia Tree Project Preparing For Spring

The Community Tree Planting (CTP) team at Armenia Tree Project (ATP) has been evaluating many sites ahead of the planting season which is scheduled to start in a few weeks. As one of ATP’s most visible programs, CTP distributes fruit and decorative trees each year to urban and rural communities throughout Armenia and works with the local population to nurture those trees. 

Each year, ATP adds approximately 50 to 100 new sites to its CTP program. Some locations approach ATP for trees, but most locations are from an ATP initiative to provide trees to border villages or communities that would benefit from the environmental and economic investment of trees.

Since the beginning of this program, ATP has planted trees at 1,400 sites throughout Armenia and Artsakh. These trees are grown in ATP’s nurseries in the villages of Karin, Khachpar, Chiva and Margahovit, which provide 53 varieties of indigenous fruit and decorative trees.

Check out the full report / story on Armenian Weekly.



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