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Artsakh President Lauds “Record” Births As Numbers Near Pre-War Figures

178 babies were born in Artsakh in November, a figure described by President Arayik Harutyunyan as a “record” number compared to the previous months. “In this stage of overcoming the great post-war difficulties, I’d like to address another important event: In November, 178 births were recorded in Artsakh. Compared to the previous months this is a record number and the closest to the pre-war figures. The true guarantee for our successes is demographic growth,” the president said in a statement, adding that his government will spare no effort to encourage population growth.

Check out the full report / story on Armenpress.



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Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով