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French National Assembly Adopts Pro-Armenia Resolution

The French National Assembly today unanimously adopted a resolution supporting Armenia and proposing sanctions against Azerbaijan.
Among other provisions, the resolution:
1. calls for the immediate and unconditional release and return of all Armenian prisoners of war to their homeland,
2. proposes that the French government considers the possibility of applying individual sanctions in case of continued attacks and occupation of the sovereign territory of Armenia by Azerbaijan,
3. calls on the French government to continue mediating efforts in order to solve the security problem of the Armenian population of Nagorno-Karabakh, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 502 of the National Assembly of 2020 (the said resolution proposes that the government recognize Nagorno-Karabakh),
4. suggests the French government consider the possibility of strengthening Armenia’s defense capabilities,
5. calls on international organizations to take all measures to protect the Armenian cultural and religious heritage in Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh, territories under the control of Azerbaijan.
The resolution was introduced by members of the pro-government Groupe Renaissance faction.
The French Senate, on November 15, adopted a similar resolution. These resolutions are advisory in nature and are not mandatory for the government.



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