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Революционные инновации в области 2D и 3D моделирования, представленные армянской компанией

BeeGraphy is the first online store in the world providing opportunities for editors to create and sell 2D and 3D parametric models. Through such a system, editors acquire a new source of revenue for their work. Editors can use the ready-to-produce 2D and 3D parametric models in various industries such as manufacturing, multimedia, gaming, AR, […]

В Ереванском музее открылась выставка «Археологические реликвии из Шуши»

Erebuni Historical-Archaeological Reserve-Museum’s exhibition “Archaeological Relics from Shushi” hosts various unique objects from the museum of rugs in Shushi. The rugs found in Artsakh, according to estimates, date back to the 20th-6th centuries B.C.Such an exhibition became possible due to the efforts of Armenians of Artsakh, who were able to rescue many archaeological objects and […]

Кинокартина Мариам Аветисян «Желание жить» стала победителем Каннского кинофестиваля

Mariam Avetisyan, a young and talented filmmaker from Artsakh, won the “Best Director Documentary Feature” for her movie titled “The Desire to Live” at the Cannes Film Festival. In its turn, the movie was chosen as the winner of the “Best Indigenous People’s Film” category. According to Avetisyan, “The Desire to Live” focuses on post-war […]

Новогодние пожелания: ДиаспорАрм

In the name of DiasporArm, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas. As we prepare ourselves to enter 2022, we remain determined to strengthen Diaspora ties with our homeland, and strive for the development and progress of Armenia and Artsakh. In 2022, DiasporArm will persevere in its […]

Соединение потоков / Предметы выживших

Connecting Threads / Survivor Objects explores the kaleidoscopic world of Armenian liturgical textiles from the collections of the Armenian Museum of America and the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Embroidered, block printed, and painted, these objects dating to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries show the multidimensional nature of liturgical textiles and bear witness to the […]

В 2022 году в Армении пройдет 70-летие Ассоциации европейских фестивалей

In the context of the 70th anniversary of the European Festivals Association, directors of more than 100 leading festivals, European commissioners for innovation, research, culture, education, youth, and other spheres, mayors of about 40 European cities, businessmen, tourism, and media officials will arrive in Armenia. The Arts Festivals Summit will take place from 2 to […]