Азербайджанская сторона препятствует въезду армянских паломников в Дадиванк

On April 25, the Azerbaijani side prevented the entry of 25 Armenian pilgrims to Dadivank where the ordination ceremony was foreseen by the servants of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Artsakh’s Ombudsman Gegham Stepanyan informs. “Preventing the entrance of the faithful to Dadivank under obviously false and idle pretexts, the Azerbaijani military […]
Более 65 членов Палаты представителей США призывают выделить Арцаху и Армении помощь в размере 100 миллионов долларов

A bipartisan group of over 65 U.S. House members joined in the Congressional Armenian Caucus request for the House Appropriations to allocate over $100 million aid to Armenia and Artsakh following Turkey and Azerbaijan’s devastating attacks last year, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reported. U.S. Representatives sent a letter to House Appropriations Subcommittee […]
Что признание Байденом геноцида армян означает для американцев армянского происхождения

Armenian-Americans have welcomed President Joe Biden’s historic declaration that the killing and deportation of up to 1.5 million Armenians during World War I constituted genocide as a long overdue yet positive step in reckoning with history. The U.S. is now among 30 countries, including France, Germany and Canada, that have formally recognized the Armenian genocide, […]
Министр Обороны Армении и посол Индии обсудили военно-техническое сотрудничество

Armenia’s Minister of Defense Vagharshak Harutyunyan received today the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of India to Armenia Kishan Dan Devali, reported the Ministry of Defense of Armenia. During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the current state of cooperation between Armenia and India in the defense sector and the upcoming programs, paid special attention to the […]
Правительство Армении продолжает реформы в публичном секторе

The Ministry of Justice of Armenia has implemented radical reforms in the field of public services. No state duty will be required for: – Marriage registration – Civil Status Acts Registration – Online registration as a sole proprietor – Amending mistakes As a result of the reforms, the deadlines of some processes have been significantly […]
Документальный фильм о признании Арцаха старшеклассников Софии Геворгян и Анаит Малумян получил первую премию StudentCam C-SPAN

According to StudentCam, Sofia Gevorgian & Anahit Malumyan, two 11th grade students from the AGBU Manoogian-Demirdjian School of Canoga Park, California have won C-SPAN’s known StudentCam competition with their short documentary called “Dear Congress and Mr. President, Recognize Artsakh”. They will split the $3k USD prize. Read more on the StudentCam website. http://www.studentcam.org/sc2021_files/1stPrize-AGBU0418.htm
Госдепартамент США рекомендовал включить Турцию и Азербайджан в список особого наблюдения за «участие или терпимое отношение к грубым нарушениям свободы вероисповедания»

According to the official website and annual 2021 report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, Turkey and Azerbaijan have been listed among the Special Watch List for “engaging in or tolerating severe violations of religious freedom”, making them 2 of the 12 countries on the list. The Report suggests Congress “incorporate consideration […]
107 двухпартийных Представителей Конгресса призывают Байдена признать Геноцид армян в новом письме

Earlier yesterday, 107 bipartisan US Congress Representatives cosponsored a letter, spearheaded by Representatives Adam B. Schiff, Gus Bilirakis, and Frank Pallone Jr, demanding POTUS Biden to officially recognize the Armenian Genocide, something the President vowed to do during his campaign by releasing a statement this time last year. It’s worth noting that Representative Ilhan Omar […]
Курдское лобби Австралии присоединяется к растущим призывам к признанию Геноцида армян

Ahead of the 106th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the Kurdish Lobby Australia has amplified calls for Prime Minister Scott Morrison to accurately characterise the events of 1915-1923 as genocide, reported the Armenian National Committee of Australia (ANC-AU). Kurdish Lobby Australia is a not-for-profit organisation promoting a greater understanding of Kurdish people in Australia, fighting […]