April is a significant month for us. The Armenian genocide is a tragedy not only of Armenians, but of all mankind, and that is why the genocide is reflected in literature, which tells about the pain and bitterness of the disaster.
For the 24th of April, we have prepared a series of materials dedicated to the events of 1915 and we will begin with a selection of books. We tried to find the most diverse books about different aspects of the Genocide: violent islamization, heroic deeds, committed atrocities and murders
1. “The Knock at the Door: A Mother’s Survival of the Armenian Genocide” by Margaret Ajemian Ahnert.

The title of the book speaks of knocking on the doors of Armenian houses, which meant that the Turkish police came to deport their residents. Often it was a death sentence. The book was written by Margaret herself, who visited her elderly mother in an Armenian nursing home. During these visits, Margaret’s mother tells her her horrific story, which is both a story of triumph and survival.
2. “Yerevan” by Gilbert Sinoué

Based on documentary materials, the famous French writer created his chronicle of the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire,
“Look at these houses at the foot of the mountains! Here lived the Aparajyans, Shavroyans, Yakubyans, and many others, your brothers, sisters, and mothers by blood. That was hundreds of years ago. People have a short memory, but the earth does not forget anything. It keeps traces of our ancestors, our Armenia.”
3. “The Children of Deportation. My Granny was an Armenian” by Irfan Palal

This is the first book on the topic of the forcibly Islamized Armenian woman, that was published in Turkey.
4. “Ravished Armenia. The Story of Aurora Mardiganian”

One of the first published documentary testimonies of eyewitness of the Armenian Genocide – Arshaluis Mardiganian”.
5. “My Grandmother” by Fethiye Çetin

The story of the touching relationship of a granddaughter and grandmother – an Islamized Armenian woman who, towards the end of her life, decided to reveal her secret.
6. “Four Years Beneath the Crescent” by Rafael de Nogales

The author also witnessed the Armenian genocide, this work was massively bought up and destroyed, which made it a bibliographic rarity.
7. “Skylark Farm” By Antonia Arslan

Based on this book, the Taviani brothers shot the film “The Lark Farm”.
8. “S. Tehlirian, Memories [Terrorizing Taleat], written down by Vahan Minakhorian”

The book of memoirs of Soghomon Teylirian describes the events from 1915 until the attempt on Talaat Pasha and the subsequent trial in January 1921 in Berlin.
9. “The Armenian Genocide: A Complete History” by Raymond Kévorkian

Raymond Kévorkian is a historian and the author of numerous works on the history of modern and contemporary Armenia and Armenians.
10. “The Forty Days of Musa Dagh” by Franz Werfel

“You can be a Russian or a Turk or a Hottentot or God knows what – but to be an Armenian – why it’s impossible.”
Additionally, we strongly advise you to visit the website of the “Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Foundation”, where you can find a selected bibliography dedicated to the tragic events of 1915 (http://www.genocide-museum.am/)