Hovel Chenorhokian

DiasporArm Founder

Hovel Chenorhokian is an entrepreneur, writer, activist.
From Beirut, Lebanon, Living in Le Raincy, France.

Red de Estudiantes Armenios (ASN)
How influential will the Armenians be in Washington, Brussels, Moscow and Beijing in 2040?How many Noble Prize Laureates will we have and w...
Dad a César lo que es de César
We, Armenians have mixed Politics, Religion and the Society in the same pot. Our “political” party leaders command Church leaders, our Church lea...
Mi Líbano
Seda Aznavour sings (here): “There is fire in Paradise, in my Paradise, in LebanonI wish the whole world loved my Paradise, my LebanonBut many w...
Following “Revival 1” As the human brain, our Nation has two hemispheres, the Homeland and the Diaspora. ...
Desire and speeches are not enough to drive the Nation from devastation to REVIVAL. The preconditions of such an occurrence are to have vision, to ri...
Spring Cleaning
Paris, April 24, 2015 Spring cleaning is a term referring to cleaning a house thoroughly in the springtime, a widespread ...
Who does our Homeland belong to?
Paris, June 2015 Last December, I met in Dubai my cousin Mardig, who had recently moved there from "Haleb", together with his workshop, machinery ...
My lovely Yerevan
I am in Yerevan, yet one more time. This time, it’s on a happy occasion, to attend my friend’s wedding ceremonies. I decide to extend my stay for...
Un Cuerpo
(Carta abierta) Querido Hakob, Son las tres, las tres de la mañana. Me fui a la cama a la una y algo. Estoy saturado de trabajo.