Tina Chakarian: El arte armenio en la escena mundial en la Bienal de Venecia
Boston-based multidisciplinary artist and designer Tina Chakarian has emerged as a key advocate for Armenian art and culture on the global stage. Her...
La joya oculta de París: Restaurando la Segunda Catedral
On 6th December 2024, a convention was signed at the Paris Town Hall, concerning the Cathedral “Sainte-Croix-des-Arméniens Catholiques de France�...
La Escuela de Jóvenes Líderes, en el punto de mira de HyeConnect
We are pleased to share HyeConnect platform’s coverage of the activities of the Young Leaders School (YLS), a program implemented by DiasporArm NGO...
Genocidio 2.0 - La limpieza étnica de Artsaj ha sido nominada a un Emmy
The documentary Genocide 2.0: Artsakh Ethnic Cleansing brings to light Azerbaijan’s ongoing campaign to eliminate Armenian heritage from Artsakh. I...
Empowering the Future: Young Leaders School Leadership Program Graduation Ceremony
The graduation ceremony for the 3rd cohort of the Leadership Program of the Young Leaders School (YLS), organized by the "DiasporArm" NGO, has succes...
La visión de DiasporArm sobre la unidad y el empoderamiento armenio
Hovel Chenorhokian, the founder of DiasporArm, recently traveled to the USA and Canada for exclusive interactive roundtable events. These events were...
Cómo un alfabeto de 1.600 años moldeó la identidad armenia
As I stood amidst the serene landscape of Alphabet Park near Yerevan, Armenia, I couldn't help but feel the weight of history surrounding me. The sta...
Regreso de la herencia impresa armenia: el proyecto "Vernatun" de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Armenia
Tigran Zargaryan, head of the National Academy of Sciences' Fundamental Scientific Library, discusses the "Repatriation" project. Focusing on pre...
Nagorno-Karabaj, una herencia armenia en peligro
From December 14 to January 15, at the Place de la Bastille, the Mairie de Paris and L'Œuvre d'Orient present an original exhibition, right at the h...