
La vision de DiasporArm pour l'unité et l'autonomisation des Arméniens
Hovel Chenorhokian, the founder of DiasporArm, recently traveled to the USA and Canada for exclusive interactive roundtable events. These events were...
How a 1,600-year-old alphabet shaped Armenian identity
As I stood amidst the serene landscape of Alphabet Park near Yerevan, Armenia, I couldn't help but feel the weight of history surrounding me. The sta...
Retour du patrimoine imprimé arménien : le projet « Vernatun » de l'Académie nationale des sciences d'Arménie
Tigran Zargaryan, head of the National Academy of Sciences' Fundamental Scientific Library, discusses the "Repatriation" project. Focusing on pre...
Haut-Karabagh, un patrimoine arménien en péril
From December 14 to January 15, at the Place de la Bastille, the Mairie de Paris and L'Œuvre d'Orient present an original exhibition, right at the h...
Rejoignez l'initiative « 5000 Noëls pour les enfants arméniens de l'Artsakh » !
Transparent Armenia Charitable Foundation is organizing the "5000 Christmases for Artsakh Armenian children". How to Participate: Set Up a Gift...
Works on Wikipedia
Network State implements a project titled "Works on Wikipedia", which is a part of global Wikipedia. This is a long-term, Panarmenian, unified projec...
Les Américains qui ont été témoins de la « Première République » d'Arménie
In 1919, American Major General James Harbord led a fact-finding mission to the Caucasus region, specifically Armenia, amid the geopolitical chaos fo...
Le Walt Disney Concert Hall présentera la musique d'Aram Khachaturian
The music of Aram Khachaturian will be performed by the Los Angeles Philharmonic on Saturday, November 4 and Sunday, November 5 at the Walt Disne...
Nous sommes nos montagnes
Crafting a masterpiece that captures a nation's deep bond with its homeland and its people requires an extraordinary level of skill and artistic prow...