Empowering the Future: Young Leaders School Leadership Program Graduation Ceremony

The graduation ceremony for the 3rd cohort of the Leadership Program of the Young Leaders School (YLS), organized by the “DiasporArm” NGO, has successfully concluded, with the graduates receiving their certificates.

YLS is a six-month initiative designed to empower teenagers and youth aged 14-19 from Echmiadzin and neighbouring communities. The program, which began in June 2022, is based in the city of Echmiadzin. Students are selected through written and oral examinations, culminating in the presentation of their project work.

YLS’s mission is to contribute to the development of well-educated, competent, knowledgeable, and patriotic citizens by transmitting skills and values essential for sustainable development and building a secure future.

As speakers, established professionals from various fields are invited, who, in addition to sharing their experience and knowledge, also become valuable connections for the students, ready to contribute to their future endeavors.

Les cours portent sur les sujets suivants : leadership, conscience de soi, intelligence émotionnelle, valeurs et culture, compétences de communication efficaces, logique, conscience juridique, éthique et étiquette, langage corporel, technologie et innovation, compétences de présentation, gestion de projet, intelligence artificielle, bases de la littératie financière, psychologie de la gestion, prise de parole en public, diplomatie, et bien plus encore.

Le programme confirme une fois de plus qu'il est possible de former une communauté consciente, coopérative et guidée par des valeurs en cultivant une culture de leadership et de collaboration parmi les adolescents et les jeunes.


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