Impact du conflit ukrainien sur le secteur touristique arménien

During an interview, President of the Armenian Tourism Federation Mekhak Apresyan discussed the effects of the Ukrainian conflict on Armenia’s tourism. Apresyan said that the ongoing developments around Ukraine will affect Armenia’s tourism sector. However, it is still early to talk about concrete tendencies. “The flows from Russia to Armenia could drastically increase. As some […]
Guerre en Ukraine : implications pour l'Arménie

On February 24, 2022, Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, which unfolds within transformations in the world order. The post-Cold War order based itself on absolute US hegemony extending to cover former Soviet republics in Europe. President Vladimir Putin believes that Moscow should be one of the main pillars of the emerging multipolar […]
Expansion de l'OTAN - Le déclencheur de l'attaque de la Russie contre l'Ukraine ?

Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine is an act of aggression that will make already worrisome tensions between NATO and Moscow even more dangerous. Vladimir Putin bears primary responsibility for this latest development, but NATO’s arrogant, tone-deaf policy toward Russia over the past quarter-century deserves a large share as well.Analysts committed to a U.S. foreign policy […]
Doubles standards? L'Ukraine et les crises du Haut-Karabakh et l'orientalisme occidental

Following the recent outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, even though being highly sympathetic towards the tragic circumstances of the Ukrainian people, I cannot help the overwhelming feeling of bitterness which also seems to be one of the leading common moods in Yerevan. Unlike the Artsakh war, the West has no difficulty with clearly seeing the […]
QaylTech : une entreprise arménienne pour aider les personnes handicapées à remarcher grâce à la réalité virtuelle

The first ever Armenian company specializing in building and producing innovative rehabilitation devices – QaylTech – is developing a new VR equipment designed for people with disabilities. After the 2016 April War, a group of Armenian kinesiologists teamed up and started to voluntarily work with military servicemen who suffered disabilities. As a result of many […]
Les Arméniens organisent une veillée à Vancouver et demandent justice pour les pogroms de Sumgait

On February 26, members of the Armenian Youth Federation of Canada held a vigil in front of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Vancouver headquarters demanding justice for Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian pogroms in Sumgait, and raising their voices in support of freedom and security for the independent Republic of Artsakh, Horizon Weekly reported.From 1988 to 1990, the […]
Une résidence créative à Bruxelles pour des artistes exceptionnels d'Arménie

Creative Armenia and the Boghossian Foundation have announced the launch of the 2022 East-West Residency program, a one-month creative stay at the Villa Ampen Cultural Center in Brussels.In August 2022, three cutting-edge artists from Armenia will head to the Villa to meet their European counterparts, explore and create in Brussels, bring Armenian culture to the […]
Lancement du Réseau Internet des objets à bande étroite en Arménie

The Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) network is undergoing pilot testing in Armenia. Launched by Armenia’s Viva-MTS, this thin-band RF technology is designed for the Internet of Things (IoT) for mobile devices.In the modern world, the Internet of Things is an integral part of people’s lives, governments, and business entities. IoT is a network that […]
Une statue symbolisant l'amitié arméno-française sera installée à Palaiseau, France

The Union of French-Armenians has announced a competition for the sketch of a statue symbolizing the Armenian-French friendship and the awakening of the Armenian people. Its organizers encourage extensive and active participation from Armenia. Once built, the statue will be installed in the city of Palaiseau in the suburbs of Paris. The deadline for the […]