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$70,000 Donated to Dzovinar Village in Armenia

Dr. Neshan Tabibian, his son and daughter-in-law Dr. Hagop and Anilga Tabibian have donated $70,000 to start new initiatives in the village of Dzovinar, Armenia.
Through this new donation, the Tabibian family has embarked on a program to support new small businesses and a computer training program in the village.
The newly renovated Christian Education Community Center and previously the Dzovinar Elementary School received ten new laptops, respectively. Children will have the opportunity to learn about proper computer usage.
Another project funded by the Tabibian family consists of receiving four industrial-grade sewing machines and having a community member receive formal training in operating the machines. In turn, she will train local women to produce clothing and sewn goods. The produced goods will later be sold to larger markets in Martuni, Yerevan, and beyond.
The Tabibian Family Fund intends to continue with initiatives that will bring additional income to the residents of the villages and improve the quality of life of rural Armenia.
Check the full article on Asbarez.com.



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