Ancient Armenian Church in Turkey’s Diyarbakir to be Renovated

The Surp Sargis Armenian Church, built in the 16th century in the Alipaşa neighborhood of Sur district, Diyarbakır province, has an area of 3,769 square meters, owned by The Diyarbakır Surp Giragos Armenian Church Foundation. The church was last restored in 1840. Afterward, The upper structure was destroyed and for a long time was used as a paddy factory.
Cemil Koç, head of the Culture Ministry’s Directorate of Surveying and Monuments in Diyarbakır, said that the “monumental” building has immense importance for Diyarbakır. “Measurements that will form the basis of the building survey and projects are being made. Material samples have also been taken, which will help in getting more information about the church’s architectural style.”
Ergün Ayık, the head of the foundation, said the building is one of the two surviving churches in Diyarbakır and that they have begun the process to return it to its former condition.


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