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Armenia joins European Archaeology Days event

For the first time Armenia has joined the European Archaeology Days, which have been held since 2010 and are coordinated by the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP). European Archaeology Days take place in the 46 member countries of the Council of Europe.

The event will be held on June 17-19 in archaeological excavation sites across the country. During the three-day event, visits will be organized to archaeological sites, archaeological research centers, which are usually closed to the public. Several entertainment and educational events – excavations, exhibitions, courses, restoration of the finds – are also expected within the framework of the event.

Check the full article on Armradio.am.



Թողնել մեկնաբանություն

Ձեր էլ․փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվի։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *


Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով