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Armenian Athletes Won 199 Medals in 2021

The Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, Karen Giloyan, announced that athletes representing Armenia won 199 medals in 2021 at the Olympic Games, the Junior, Youth, World, and European Championships.

In turn, the Government supported and augmented the benefits and salaries of athletes and their staff, allocating 652 million AMD in 2021. In 2020, the total amount allocated to athletic endeavors was only 157 million AMD.

The Deputy Minister considered a great achievement for Yerevan to be holding the European Boxing Championship. “The best part is that this is not going to be the only one. The Prime Minister has instructed that we can hold two top competitions every year in Armenia, and we are going to use that opportunity,” Giloyan added.

Check the full article on Panarmenian.net.



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