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BBC: The “Cult of Victory” and the Azerbaijani schoolchildren

After the Second Artsakh War, the militant cult of sacrifice in Azerbaijan was replaced by a militant cult of victory, says an article published by the Russian service of BBC on December 26. “Service to the motherland, loyalty to the people, hatred, hatred, hatred to the enemy!” is one of the slogans taught to children in some local schools. Everyone in Azerbaijan likely has no doubts about who these chants are meant for.

A teacher identified in the article as Fikret has been teaching history for many years, trying to avoid difficult moments. He would not quote aggressive passages from school textbooks and instead encouraged students to find alternative sources of information. After the Second Artsakh War, finding a balance between doing the job he loves and not losing it has become harder. When Azerbaijan took control of the historic Armenian city of Shushi, the euphoria only increased.

“These children are tomorrow’s soldiers, doctors, teachers; our children who will defend our country on the front lines,” the journalist comments. “The word “pro-Armenian” in Azerbaijan is actually an insult, and Armenian roots are compromising evidence. In another viral video, the host of a local TV channel calls French President Emmanuel Macron. “Pro-Armenian” – his name is shouted out by a children’s choir in a mocking rehash of the song “Pinocchio”.



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