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I Bari Exports Its Produces To More Than 10 Countries

Nikolay Mkhitaryan, co-founder and director of I Bari company, wants Armenia to be known as a country of fruits in the world. Nikolay started his business 3 years ago by producing organic honey. Currently I Bari produces jams, confitures, honey, rice, pomegranate wine, dried fruits and a variety of teas. The products have quickly won a niche in the market due to their innovative recipes, delicious taste, quality and correct branding. These products are healthy due to zero chemical processing. “Now we are encouraged by the thought that products, on which it is written “Made in Armenia,” end up in the world’s best stores,” said I Bari co-founder and director Nikolay Mkhitaryan. I Bari exports its produces to more than ten countries, including Russia, USA, Belarus, Kazakhstan, England and the geography is expanding. Soon, the company will be selling also in China and Malaysia.

Check out the full video report / story on Arka News Agency.



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