Nearly $500,000 Raised For New Veterans Hospital In Armenia

This year the Family Rescue Fund dedicated its annual event to those who defended the homeland. On Thursday, November 11 – Veterans’ Day – a fundraising event was held in partnership with the Veterans of Armenia organization, during which nearly $500,000 was raised. The goal for this event was to raise funds for the new Veterans’ Hospital in Armenia in support of the wounded soldiers of the Artsakh Wars. As a result of the last war in 2020, approximately 11,000 soldiers received various injuries, and around 1,500 were recognized as permanently disabled. It has been identified that a specialized hospital for these veterans is urgently needed to provide a comprehensive care. Initiated by the Zinvori Tun Rehabilitation Center, The Veterans’ Hospital is set to be built in Armenia. Check out the full report on Asbarez.


Թողնել մեկնաբանություն

Ձեր էլ․փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվի։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *


Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով