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‘The American Good Samaritans’ new film by Manvel Saribekyan

“The American Good Samaritans” is a story about survivors of the Armenian Genocide, focusing on the role of American missionaries. It combines documentary and historical fiction approaches into one. According to Producer Manvel Saribekyan fictional scenes were necessary to make it less hard for most people to watch.
The American writer and genocide scholar and other independent researchers reveal the details related to genocides carried out in the Ottoman Empire (today’s Turkey) and the aid provided by American humanitarians.
Saribekyan’s crew conducted numerous interviews with experts and academics in Lebanon, Greece, Turkey, and Iran and worked in six countries in total. The National Cinema Center of Armenia was the main sponsor of the film. In America alone, recordings took place at the Library of Congress, Harvard and Princeton Universities, and several other locations related to the subject. The crew visited the grave of Ambassador Morgenthau in New York. Saribekyan recognized the exceptional support of the Armenian-American community in realizing the project.
The premiere screening of “The American Good Samaritans” took place in Los Angeles at the Arpa Armenian Film Festival in November 2021.
Check the full article on Mirrorspectator.com.


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