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Yerevan Museum Opens “Archaeological Relics from Shushi” Exhibition

Erebuni Historical-Archaeological Reserve-Museum’s exhibition “Archaeological Relics from Shushi” hosts various unique objects from the museum of rugs in Shushi. The rugs found in Artsakh, according to estimates, date back to the 20th-6th centuries B.C.
Such an exhibition became possible due to the efforts of Armenians of Artsakh, who were able to rescue many archaeological objects and bring them to Yerevan.
The Head of the Culture and Tourism Department at Yerevan Municipality, Gosh Sargsyan, founder of the rugs museum in Shushi Vardan Astsatran, members of the Council of Elders of Yerevan, cultural figures, and many others attended the opening ceremony.
“Archaeological Relics from Shushi” exhibition will run until May 29, 2022.
Check the full article on News.am.



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