Moonk – Technoschool To Be Built In Martuni

Artsakh’s Martuni region will have a technoschool. In the first stage, the mobile laboratories will reveal the educational potential of the youth through the visit to the communities. In line with this, the renovation works of the building will be carried out, and the classrooms and laboratories will be equipped in accordance with international standards. In the second stage, necessary equipment, computers, etc., will be acquired.
At the last stage, it is expected to recruit the necessary specialists and launch the technoschool, as well as to purchase a minibus for transporting the students from the communities to the school. Administrative expenses are also envisaged (inviting specialists, salaries of moderators, lecturers, etc.).
As of this moment, nearly 28 million drams have been invested for the construction of the technoschool. But the goal is to raise these funds to 67 million 562 thousand drams.
A number of companies, such as Service Titan, Mantashov Entrepreneurs Union, Armenian Code Academy, M.A.M education fund, have joined the program.

Check out the full report on Armenpress.


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