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Armenian-American Diaspora: A History of 400 Years

The first known Armenian to live in the United States was a man named Martin the Armenian, who arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1618.
During the Armenian Massacres (1876-1923), many Armenians from Western Armenia and the Middle East settled in the United States. Currently, about 2,000,000 Armenians live in the United States, about half of which live in southern California.
The largest Armenian-American communities in the United States are:

Los Angeles, CA: Armenians make up 15% of the population (about 500,000 people). Armenians mainly live in ten districts, of which the most notable are Little Armenia and North Hollywood.

Glendale, CA: Armenians make up about 50% of the city’s population (about 100,000 people). The mayor of the city is traditionally an Armenian.

Other cities where Armenians comprise more than 10% of the city’s population in California are Burbank, Altadena, Montebello, Pasadena, and Fresno. Armenian communities are present too in New York, Massachusetts, Boston, and Washington D.C.

Over the years, the Armenian community built many churches and strengthened its presence in other institutions. Currently, there are 120 Armenian Apostolic Churches, 28 Armenian Protestant Churches, and 6 Armenian Catholic Churches in the United States. Educationally, Columbia University, University of California, Yale University, Harvard University, Boston University, and others have opened departments of Armenian studies.

Источник: https://bit.ly/3IJqOhC


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