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Digitizing Armenian Linguistic Heritage

AUA’s AGBU Papazian Library has announced the launch of a project titled Digitizing Armenian Linguistic Heritage (DALiH): Armenian Multivariational Corpus and Data Processing.
The Digital Library of Classical Armenian Literature (Digilib) of AUA will support the project by providing digitized texts in Classical Armenian and Western Armenian and by digitizing other relevant materials.
Funded by the French National Research Agency, the project aims to build the first-ever open-access and open-source unified digital linguistic platform for the whole spectrum of the Armenian language variations. The platform includes annotated corpora for Classical Armenian, Modern Western Armenian, an updated Modern Eastern Armenian corpus, and a pilot corpus for Middle Armenian.
Within the DALiH project, research will be conducted in Natural language processing (NLP) and linguistic perspectives to ensure grammatical annotation and Automatic speech recognition (ASR) models in the above-mentioned Armenian varieties.
Check the full article on Armradio.am.



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