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How is He Getting Corporate America to Donate to Armenia?

Dominick Tavitian, a Seattle-native and Product Manager at Affirm, is making strides with his growing start-up ReferMe. Inspired by his Armenian heritage and the concept of donation matching, Dominick is on a mission to help Armenians climb the corporate ladder and secure big corporate jobs. By connecting candidates with corporate job opportunities through employee referrals, ReferMe aims to empower individuals and improve their socioeconomic status. Dominick’s vision goes beyond individual success – he also seeks to leverage corporate America’s philanthropic potential to support causes in Armenia. By getting more Armenians into higher positions within corporations, ReferMe encourages donation matching and doubles the impact of philanthropic funds going to Armenia. Through his innovative platform, Dominick is not only revolutionizing the job search process but also fostering a positive ripple effect that benefits both individuals and communities.



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