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Uncovering the Rich History of Meghri: A Tour of Armenia’s Hidden Gems

Meghri, a town split into two distinct neighborhoods, boasts some fascinating landmarks that are worth exploring. One of the main attractions is the Meghri Fortress, an 11th-century Armenian fortress located on a hill that offers stunning views of the Old Town. Originally built in 1083, it was rebuilt in the 18th century by Davit-Bek and was one of the few towers in the country that housed artillery.

The Old Town, or Pokr Tagh, is one of the oldest towns in Armenia, and it’s a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts. Its significance dates back to the Iron Age, with many discoveries made over the years. Meanwhile, Mets Tagh, or the large district, offers plenty of hidden gems that are best explored on foot.

There are many churches to visit in the area, but two of the most famous ones are St. Hovhannes Church and St. Astvatsatsin Church. St. Hovhannes Church, also known as Meghri Monastery, dates back to the 17th century, with a gravestone from the 9th century indicating its much earlier origin. The church offers excellent views of Mets Tagh if you climb up behind the building. On the other side of the city, you will find St. Astvatsatsin Church, which is said to be the place where the first piano was introduced to Armenia. This iconic church has colorful frescos inside, much like St. Hovhannes Church, but unfortunately, the humidity inside puts the frescoes at risk.

The St. Sargis Basilica’s remains are also worth a visit, located to the north of the city on a hill. Although there isn’t much to see, it’s a fascinating insight into the region’s history. While walking around, you will find a khachkar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Genocide nearby.


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