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Yerevan Has No Intention of ‘Dismantling’ Nemesis Monument

Amid Ankara’s threats, such as closing Turkey’s airspace to an Armenian airline, due to the unveiling of the Nemesis Monument honoring Operation Nemesis heroes, Yerevan city hall has stated that they have no intention of removing the monument. The statement was in response to a query from Azatutyun.am’s Armenian Service regarding Turkey’s foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu’s threats. Cavusoglu demanded the demolition of the monument, claiming it offends Turks and Azerbaijanis, and warned of retaliatory measures if it remains.

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan previously criticized the decision to create the monument, while Armenia’s National Security chief, Armen Grigoryan, stressed that the issue was a domestic matter and that no one should interfere. Grigoryan also emphasized the importance of normalizing relations with Turkey without conditions. Deputy Foreign Minister Paruyr Hovhannisyan linked the escalating rhetoric to Turkey’s upcoming elections, cautioning that statements should be seen in the context of election campaigns.



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