Leaders are rare elements.Leaders of the caliber of Mahatma Gandhi, Charles De Gaulles, Nelson Mandela happen once in centuries in a Nation’s histo...
Si queremos mantener nuestra condición de Estado, necesitamos fortalecer la Diáspora en Armenia
The survival of the Armenian nation is conditioned by the direct involvement of the Diaspora in the political, social and cultural life of Armenia. T...
What is “Armenian” in Armenian Identity?
The debate on "Armenian identity" has a long history and is an ever-evolving discourse, especially in the Diaspora. In the last 100 years since 1915,...
¿Podrían los armenios seguir siendo una nación global con una patria rota?
This article discusses key Armenian institutional issues in a global perspective. It argues that Armenian collective life bears the shackles of at le...
Spring Cleaning
Paris, April 24, 2015
Spring cleaning is a term referring to cleaning a house thoroughly in the springtime, a widespread ...
Who does our Homeland belong to?
Paris, June 2015
Last December, I met in Dubai my cousin Mardig, who had recently moved there from "Haleb", together with his workshop, machinery ...
My lovely Yerevan
I am in Yerevan, yet one more time. This time, it’s on a happy occasion, to attend my friend’s wedding ceremonies. I decide to extend my stay for...
Un Cuerpo
(Carta abierta)
Querido Hakob,
Son las tres, las tres de la mañana.
Me fui a la cama a la una y algo.
Estoy saturado de trabajo.
Armenia - Perspectivas
"¿No pondría su exitosa experiencia al servicio del Estado de Armenia?"