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Unifying the Strategic Intent of All Armenians

Wrong actions, even if well-intended, can lead to a national catastrophe and probably accelerate our exit from history. The challenge is to identify the strengths that have led to our past successes and to contextualize them within our current times and the setting of recent global geopolitical movements that we are witnessing.

The policy alternatives of the RoA may be limited, but when taking into account the vast and hereto non-mobilized potential of Armenians living in the Diaspora, interesting options may emerge. The proposed projects present the action plans that the RoA should take to be able to harness the strategic potential of all Armenians around the globe. The document is not about how Armenia should be governed internally. It only covers initiatives related to the specific issues that involve Armenia-Diaspora matters.

The document sets forth five major axes of action based on the conceptual framework of developing policies to implement the idea of “one world, one nation”:

  1. Unifying Armenians through Legislative Representation
  2. Unifying Armenians through Executive State Roles
  3. Unifying Armenians through Global Intellectual Networks (Think-Tanks)/Professional Associations
  4. Unifying Armenians through a National Repatriation Project
  5. Unifying Armenians through Linguistic Culture

The focus is on proposing actionable steps rather than expanding on the theory. Time is of the essence. The document is designed to be taken and implemented immediately with concrete proposed steps.

This document can also be used as a general strategic report to top leaders in the RoA (President, PM, PM Advisor, Deputy PM, Speaker of Parliament etc.) to plan national level actions. As an alternative, it can set the agenda for serious and actionable items for global pan-Armenian discussions.

The proposed actions in this document stem from the urgent need of the Republic of Armenia to initiate the following:

  1. Mobilize all Armenians worldwide around a single national vision
  2. Engage the diasporic Armenians positively and immediately around actionable items of the national vision
  3. Demonstrate with serious actions that Armenia is the homeland of all Armenians with all the rights and privileges that would flow from such actions.
  4. Establish a true long-term culture of meritocracy in Armenia, based on the elements of the proposed national vision
  5. Focus on projects that support existential needs and work towards the strengthening of national unity and the preservation of the state.
  6. Focus on projects that will reinforce the national identity of all Armenians.
  7. Focus on finding the proven best in their fields of expertise who want to contribute to Armenia.

The general proposed theme of the actions is “one world, one nation”. All actions MUST DEMONSTRATE how they relate to this theme.

Learn more about the five initiatives in English here.
Learn more about the National Repatriation Project in Armenian here and in English here.


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Ձեր էլ-փոստի հասցեն չի հրապարակվելու։ Պարտադիր դաշտերը նշված են *-ով