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Forbes presents 5 boutique wineries putting Armenian wines on the map

Armenia has started to garner the attention of wine connoisseurs around the globe, travel writer Breanna Wilson writes in an article published by Forbes.

“Home to the oldest known winery in the world at Areni-1 Cave, a site only discovered in the last 15 years dating back to 5000-4000 BC, Armenia is also home to over 100 indigenous grape varietals, including the important Areni Noir grape. The Areni Noir grape is believed to be one of the first grapes used to make wine, and is often credited with helping Armenia, along with the Republic of Georgia, become the true birthplace of viticulture”, the article reads.

“A country well-known for its hospitality, oenophiles from around the world have – and still are – relocating to Armenia to do just that, make wine and continue developing a new sector of hospitality in the region that started it thousands of years ago”, Breanna Wilson says.
She presents five boutique wineries that are worth paying attention to: Galar Vines, Khme Wine, Dzon Wine, Krya Wines, Yog Wines.


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