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Paris To Name A Place In Honor of Hrant Dink

The City of Paris will name a place after the slain Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, Deputy Mayor Arnaud Ngatcha has announced.
“The City of Paris will pay tribute to him by naming a place in his honor in the 13th arrondissement,” Ngatcha informed in a Twitter post on the 15th anniversary of Dink’s assassination.
As editor-in-chief of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper Agos, Dink was a prominent member of the Armenian minority in Turkey. Dink was best known for advocating Turkish–Armenian reconciliation and human and minority rights in Turkey.
Dink was assassinated in 2007 by Ogün Samast, by a 17-year-old Turkish nationalist in front of the Agos Newspaper building.

Check out the full report / story on the Public Radio of Armenia.



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