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The FUTURE ARMENIAN is a public Initiative launched by Armenians and friends of Armenia to create a common understanding around the sustainable development goals for the Motherland and Diaspora. More than 110,000 Signatories from 108 countries have already joined the Initiative.

With the participation of reputable experts and general public, The FUTURE ARMENIAN has formulated 15 pan-Armenian goals (see: 15 goals • The Future Armenian). By participating in the upcoming discussions and conventions of The FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative, every Armenian by birth and by choice can become a part of collectively planning next steps towards the implementation of these goals.

On March 10-12, 2023, the first Convention of the Future Armenian will be held in Yerevan. The three out of fifteen goals of the FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative will be discussed during the Convention:

Armenia-Diaspora Unity
Historic Responsibility
Growing Population

The Convention would provide an excellent opportunity for every adult Armenian who is ready to contribute to shaping the future of the Motherland and Diaspora to make his/her thoughts and opinions heard, discuss scenarios developed by experts and draw up packages of recommendations on achieving these goals.

Registration for the Convention of the Future Armenia is open to everyone․ It would be the first “citizens assembly” in Armenia, and the first-worldwide experience of “citizens assembly” with the participation of Diaspora.

Below are answers to some of the frequently asked questions.

What kind of organization is The FUTURE ARMENIAN?

The FUTURE ARMENIAN is a public initiative with non-political and non-partisan affiliation.

Who can participate in The FUTURE ARMENIAN Initiative?

Any adult Armenian citizen or representative of the Armenian Diaspora.

What is the procedure of the participants’ selection?

The people who have registered for the Convention receive a unique code, through which the sortition of the participants is carried out. The open sortition of the participants who will physically attend the Convention will take place in January. All other registered people will have a first-hand access to documentations and a chance to participate in online discussions.

What are the principles of the participants’ selection?

The Convention will have 200 participants from the Republic of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora selected through a transparent drawing process. Moreover, the selection ensures the demographic criteria of the country such as gender, age, community, and educational level.

Is there any compensation for the participants?

In order to ensure equal opportunities for all participants, the sponsors of the Convention will cover the travel expenses of all participants, as well as accommodation in Yerevan during the Convention.

How to register for the Convention?

In order to become part of the first Convention, register for the Convention by filling out the application form:

By visiting the official website of the initiative the Future Armenian
+374 60 700 800 (ext. 333)


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