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Արցախի նախագահը կ'անդրադառնայ ծնունդներու մրցանշային թիւին, որ կը մօտենայ մինչպատերազմեան ցուցանիշին

178 babies were born in Artsakh in November, a figure described by President Arayik Harutyunyan as a “record” number compared to the previous months. “In this stage of overcoming the great post-war difficulties, I’d like to address another important event: In November, 178 births were recorded in Artsakh. Compared to the previous months this is […]

Հայ ուսանողներու ցանց

Initiated by DiasporArm, the Armenian Students’ Network (ASN) bridges Armenian students across the globe, acting on three networking stratums; Students, Educators and Entrepreneurs.  Educators will mentor, give students orientation in terms of education, various grants, scholarships, etc.  Entrepreneurs will offer guidance in terms of professional orientation, offer part-time jobs, internships, sponsor projects and hunt talents […]

Հայաստանի մէջ Կանանց հիմնադրամը կ'աջակցի երիտասարդ աղջիկներու

Women’s Fund Armenia (WFA) has launched its teen girl campaign, which provides grants to young girls aged 14 to 21 in Armenia, with consideration to applicants in border communities where there are few options and limited opportunities. WFA’s support of teen projects helps build self-confidence and initiative. These grants also foster entrepreneurship as the teenagers become stewards of […]

Vlume – հայկական թուային ամենամեծ գրադարանը

Vlume is the largest Armenian digital library which provides access to e-books, audiobooks, and animation series. Vlume offers content from 12+ publishers from well over 300 classical and modern authors, supporting Eastern and Western Armenian and English. Vlume’s library holds over 800 titles and 1,000 hours of audio content. It is possible to download the Vlume app from the Apple […]

254 մեկաուաթ հզօրութեամբ նոր ջրելեկտրակայան գործարկուած է Երեւանի մէջ

A German-Italian consortium inaugurated on Monday in the presence of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinian a thermal power plant built in Yerevan as part of a $270 million project approved by the Armenian government. The 254-megawatt facility is expected to enable Armenia to use less natural gas for electricity generation. It will also diversify foreign ownership in the country’s […]

Այվազովսկիի կտաւը վաճառուած է 1 մլն եուրոյով

Hovhannes (Ivan) Aivazovsky’s canvas Genoese Towers in the Black Sea was auctioned at Christie’s for 1 million euros. The impressive painting Genoese towers in the Black Sea was painted in 1895, a period when Ivan Aivazovsky dedicated most of his time to his beloved Crimean home of Feodosia. Depicting a section of the 14th century fortress constructed by the […]