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Turkey Says any U.S. Recognition of Armenian ‘Genocide’ Would Further Harm Ties


Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Tuesday that any move by U.S. President Joe Biden to recognise the 1915 mass killings of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire as a genocide will further harm already strained ties between the NATO allies. Turkey accepts that many Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire were killed in clashes with Ottoman forces during World War One, but contests the figures and denies that the killings were systematically orchestrated and constitute a genocide. Commemorations of the killings are held around the world each April 24. For decades, measures recognizing the Armenian genocide, stalled in the U.S. Congress and U.S. presidents have refrained from calling it that, stymied by concerns about relations with Turkey and intense lobbying by Ankara. Asked in an interview with broadcaster Haberturk about whether Biden would recognise the killings as a genocide, Cavusoglu said the United States “needs to respect international law”. To read the full story, check out the link below to the article in Reuters.…/turkey-says-any-us…


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