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The Armenian flag was hoisted on the Armenia-Turkey border

The Armenian tricolour was placed on the Armenia-Turkey border, in the village of Anipemza, Shirak region. Before hoisting, the Diocese of Shirak’s representatives blessed the flag in the Yereruyk Cathedral. The initiative’s authors are the members of the newly formed “Vasn Hayrenyats” (For the sake of the Homeland) national unity movement. It is planned to place the Armenian flag on visible heights in border villages of 9 regions.
The purpose of this action, according to the “Vasn Hayrenyats” movement, is to symbolically delineate the inviolable borders of the Republic of Armenia with the state flag, to strengthen the respect for the tricolour amongst Armenians, to draw attention to the border villages through public events, as well as to bring together the representatives of different communities of Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora around national goals.
The Armenian flag was placed in Anipemza under the patronage of Susanna and Sergio Nahapetian from Argentina.



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