Yerevan to host European Festivals Association’s 70th anniversary Summit

The European Festivals Association’s 70th anniversary Arts Festivals Summit will take place from 12 till 15 September 2022 in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia.

70 years ago, Swiss writer and philosopher Denis de Rougemont and Ukrainian conductor Igor Markevitch launched the European Festivals Association as a peace project, a dialogue platform, an expression of hope and reconciliation.

Hosted by the Yerevan Perspectives International Music Festival, the Summit marks a first joint step in the association’s next decade between festival makers and stakeholders. Mayors, city council members, business representatives, artists, journalists, and others will be invited into the conversation around the power of the arts and arts festivals to further involve European citizens in the construction of Europe and world of tomorrow. 200 festival makers as well as cities representatives, public authorities, artists and the media have been invited to meet in order to share thoughts, concerns, needs, artistic proposals.


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