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Հայ գիրքի անկիւն՝ Հոլանտայի մէջ

A corner of Armenian books has been opened in the city library of Amstelveen, the Netherlands. On June 13, Ambassador Tigran Balayan visited the city, met with Mayor Tjapko Poppens and member of the city council Tavros Aslanian. The possibilities of decentralized cooperation and issues related to the activities of the Armenian community of Amstelveen […]

«Գիտութեան եւ գործարարութեան օրեր 2022» գիտաժողովը մեկնարկած է Երեւանի մէջ

From June 13 to 17, 2022, RA Ministry of Economy is holding «Science and Business Days» scientific conference in Yerevan, aimed at discovering opportunities for the improvement of science and entrepreneurship alliance, as well as the commercialization of research. World-renowned Armenian scientists Ardem Patapoutian, Ruben Enikolopov, Georgi Derluguian, Garik Israelyan, Davit Baghdasaryan, Marie Lou Papazian […]

Applications for the Diaspora Youth Ambassador program are now being accepted

Media Contacts: Amalya Karapetyan/Hasmik PiliposyanEmail: Website:     Tel: +374 93 38 41 01  Yerevan, Armenia (May 16, 2022) – Applications for the Diaspora Youth Ambassador 2022 program of the Office of the High Commissioner for Diaspora Affairs of the Republic of Armenia are open. The objective of the program is to enable the […]

Դիլիճանի մէջ սովետական շրջանէն մնացած կարագործանոցը պիտի վերածուի տնտեսական նորարար տարածքի

The Dilijan textile factory and its adjacent area are planned to be transformed into a modern multi-functional space to host the co-location of enterprises and individuals. The project is focused on the development of small business and creative industries with the involvement of residents of Dilijan and Tavush region. The official launch of the project […]

«Team Telecom Armenia» 45 մլն տոլար ներդրում ներգրաւած է

Team Telecom Armenia raised a total of $45 million from international financial institutions, IFC and EBRD, and Ameriabank, to improve access to high-speed internet and support a strong digital economy in Armenia. The funding will be directed for the construction of the region’s best 25 Gb/s Next Generation Network in cities and villages of Armenia. […]

Մշակութային երեւոյթներ եւ ծագող աստղեր պիտի հանդիպին «Creative Armenia»-ի շաբթուան ընթացքին

Creative Armenia has announced the 2022 Creative Armenia Week, a week-long virtual summit that will take place from June 27 to July 1. The panel discussions will feature musician Tigran Hamasyan, artist Tigran Tsitoghdzyan, film producer Howard Kazanjian, curator Eva Khachatryan, scientist Dr. Garik Israelian, and many other artists and leaders who are shaping today’s […]