Crise de leadership
Three Armenian community events took place last February in France that were supposed to be indicators of the vitality of the French Community. Yet, ...
Héritage de feu l'ambassadeur Rouben Shougarian
Writing after the Velvet Revolution but before the 2020 War, Ambassador Rouben Shougarian, who passed away at the young age of 57 in early 2020, wrot...
La Constitution arménienne sert-elle les intérêts de l'Arménie ou de la nation arménienne ?
The resources of the entire Armenian nation are required to pull Armenia out of the severe crisis created by the defeat in the 44-day war. In fact, i...
Le medicament
“We are sick; We are sick nationwide and suffer from mediocrity, the mediocrity of our literature, publicity, clergy, education, charity and especi...
L’Arménie terre de mission pour le patriarcat de Moscou ?
On October 15, 2021, the Information Center of the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church announced the decision of its synod to establish a dio...
Azerbaijan Sold 500 Tons of Weapons To the Repressive Regime of Congo
This is the surprising story of Azerbaijan, a country that buys weapons from others for its own needs, selling tens of millions of dollars of weapons...
Les dirigeants arméniens ont ignoré l'offre des investisseurs
Construire des véhicules militaires avant la guerre
Par Harut Sassounian
Éditeur, The California Courier
Les dirigeants actuels de l'Arménie blâment les dirigeants
Un économiste de premier plan révèle les mensonges d’Erdogan sur la faillite de l'économie turque
Par Harut Sassounian :
Éditeur, The California Courier
Prés. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, qui est complètement ignorant de l'économie
L'Azerbaïdjan et la Turquie sur les côtés opposés du conflit israélo-palestinien
Éditeur, The California Courier
Il est communément admis que la politique est similaire à la prostitution....