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The Diaspora Armenians Round Table (DART), held in Paris in June 2022, gathering independent intellectuals, educators, entrepreneurs, and youth to di...
Ցանցայնութիւն (Networking)
While the Diaspora is a gold mine of talents and wealth, the lack of networking hinders its empowerment. As a case in point, the estimated number of ...
Վերիմաստաւորելով սփիւռքը
While the larger society has undergone radical transformations in the past two decades, the communities of the Armenian Diaspora have not embraced to...
Սփիւռքն ու հայրենիքը յանուն ընդհանուր նպատակներու
On May 15th, a meeting, organized by DiasporArm, took place at the office of the Armenian Missionary Association of America, in Yerevan. Pan-Armen...
Կարգախօսը «Միասին» է
Hovel Chenorhokian discusses promoting a sense of national belonging and connecting Armenian diasporas to each other and to Armenia in his interview ...
Արհեստագիտութիւնը, ընկերութեան բարեշրջումը եւ մենք
A new paradigm is needed to connect with and attract our youth. A new “software” for our global Armenian communities, to reveal, mobilize and coo...
Լիբանանի հայկական համայնքներու հզօրացում
Fulfilling DiasporArm’s mission to accumulate the resources of institutions and individuals, to raise socio-economic level of Armenians in the home...
Եւրոպական միութիւնը քաղաքացիական առաքելութիւն մը կը գործուղէ՝ նպաստելու Հայաստանի սահմանամերձ շրջաններուն կայունութեան
On 23 January 2023, the European Council agreed to establish a civilian European Union Mission in Armenia (EUMA) under the Common Security and Defenc...
According to the French French Penal Code, when the territorial integrity of a country is threatened, disloyalty towards the country, its head of sta...