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Մենք ենք մեր սարերը

Crafting a masterpiece that captures a nation’s deep bond with its homeland and its people requires an extraordinary level of skill and artistic prowess. One such example of Armenian artistry is the monument titled ‘We Are Our Mountains’ (Մենք ենք, մեր սարերը), deliberately designed without a pedestal as it seamlessly merges with its natural landscape. […]

Թշնամի Ատրպէճանը իր վերահսկողութեան տակ վերցուցած է Ամարասի վանքը

Amaras Monastery is located in Sos village, in the Martouni district of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (Artsakh`s historical province Myus Haband). According to the historian Faustus Byuzand (Faustus of Byzantium) the first church of the monastic complex was founded by Gregory the Illuminator. Its construction was finished by his grandson bishop Grigoris who was killed in 338 […]

Karmrakuch (Artsaj-Armena)

Karmrakuch is a village with a great Armenian historical past.A number of Armenian monuments were preserved in the village and around the village, among which the Church of the Holy Saviour, dating from the 13th century.In 1907 Karmrakuch had 537 Armenian residents.In the Soviet period, after the annexation of Artsakh to Soviet Azerbaijan, Karmrakuch was […]

Վիքթոր Համբարձումեանի 115-ամեակը

In 2023, we commemorate the 115th birth anniversary of Viktor Hambartsumian, a true giant in the world of astrophysics. Viktor Hambartsumian left an indelible mark on the 20th century’s scientific landscape. Pioneering theoretical astrophysics and driving innovation in numerous fields, from astronomy to philosophy, he reshaped our understanding of the cosmos. His revolutionary insights into […]

Մասաչուսեց-Հայաստան սերմերու հիմնադրամ

CALL FOR PROPOSALS A new seed fund launches this year to support cutting-edge research and deepen academic collaborations between MIT and Armenia.Joint teams from MIT and Armenian universities or research institutes are now invited to submit their proposals.Priority will be given to projects that:1. propose a balanced exchange between MIT and Armenian teams2. demonstrate complementarity […]

Armenian-Italian Forum “Strengthening Partnerships for Growth”

Armenian Businessmen Association is holding the Armenian-Italian forum “Strengthening Partnerships for growth” on September 5. ABOUT THE EVENTThe primary goal of the forum is to promote the enhancement of joint business ties between two countries as well as the facilitation of new collaborations. The Italian side’s partners are the Italian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and the […]

Աշնանային արհեստագիտական ուղեւորութիւններ Հայաստանի մէջ. տեղական արհեստագիտական միջոցառումներու ուղեցոյց (մաս 2)

Get ready for a fresh set of tech events in October that will keep you engaged and connected with the local tech scene. Here’s what’s coming up:October 6-8: Armenia Engineering Week in Yerevan and Vanadzor.October 13-15: DigiTec Expo 2023 I Reboot, arguably the largest tech celebration in Armenia. 100+ companies and tens of thousands people […]

Աշնանային արհեստագիտական ուղեւորութիւններ Հայաստանի մէջ. տեղական արհեստագիտական միջոցառումներու ուղեցոյց (մաս 1)

If you plan to visit Armenia this autumn and if you are interested in meeting local tech community, take into account the following events and to plan accordingly.September 8-9: DataFest Yerevan 2023, an annual international conference on data science and ML. Everyone working on ML are welcome, there will be 30+ technical talks and no […]

Հայաստանի 6 մարզերու եւ Երեւանի 16 երկրորդական վարժարաններու մէջ պիտի իրականացուի արհեստական բանականութեան կրթութիւն

Sixteen high schools from 6 different regions and Yerevan will execute the “Generation AI” pilot program starting in September 2023. Based on the open competition, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports (MoESCS) has approved the list of winning schools. Instead of the planned 10, this educational program will be carried out in 16 […]