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Սփիւռք-Հայաստան գագաթնաժողով
Sarkis Shahinian is the general secretary of the Switzerland-Armenia parliamentary friendship group. Below are the highlights of issues concerning th...
Ինչո՞ւ Լուռ Է Սփիւռքը
In 2008, during the signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols, the president of the day faced a great wave of discontent having turned to the opinion...
Պետական շահերու գերակայութիւնը
The degradation of Armenia’s national security structure (as well as the crisis of political confidence) is often attributed to the defeat in the 4...
Արդեօք Հայաստան կը յաջողի՞ կառուցել աւելի լաւ հասարակութիւն
According to Daron Acemoglu, a world-renowned Armenian American economist and co-author of the famous book "Why nations fail", the main question faci...
2020-ի Ղարաբաղեան պատերազմը եւ Հայաստանի արտաքին ու անվտանգութեան ապագայ քաղաքականութիւնները (Սպիտակ թուղթ)
The 2020 September war highlighted a number of weak areas in Armenia’s position and policies. It also invited The publication of a number...
Պատմութիւնը կրնայ կրկնուիլ
In the summer of 1942, Stalingrad, situated on the banks of the river Volga, was under siege. The German army was dropping fire and iron on the city....
Յաղթահարելով մեր առջեւ ծառացած մարտահրաւէրները
In response to Vahan Zanoyan’s article about the Armenian Constitution. These are extremely critical times for Armenia, and, unfortunately,...
Ռմբակոծութիւն՝ յանուն խաղաղութեան. Շփոթած ու տանջուած
We, humans, consider ourselves the most intelligent among the animal species. Yet, the question arises, are we intelligent at all? We are killing our...
Առաջնորդութեան տագնապ
Three Armenian community events took place last February in France that were supposed to be indicators of the vitality of the French Community. Yet, ...